In my recent conversations with many clients and friends, I found out that all reported 2022 to be a year running really fast like a year on the treadmill.

There was really no time to reflect. When we are mostly giving into the grind with just doing same old actions it will give us same old results. Nothing can change from that space. As:
When the wind feels chilly
And the weather feels quiet
Nothing changes on the surface of earth
as dim feels sunlight
I am reminded by nature
To pause and reflect
And take a stock of my life.
While some of us are in the festive mood and looking for a cheer.
Here is what I urge you to do as we approach the calendar new year
Highlight your achievements
And celebrate your failures
5 things that went well in the last year
5 things I honour the most about myself and my near and dear
5 learnings I gathered in the passing year
5 things that will help me to stand in my power minus the fear
Don’t be in a rush to celebrate the calendar new year yet
Life wants you to look at many ifs and buts
Go within and explore the inner world
Before you clink the glasses
And sing the happy new year
Clean the dust on the mirror
Look, someone has been waiting for you there.
I’m not a poet. These lines came to me naturally this morning. And I did what I do best. I listen to my inner guidance system and I share.